Ask Father Josh (Your Catholic Question and Answer Podcast)
Fr. Josh helps you navigate the tricky times in life when our Catholic Faith doesn’t give you an easy, “fill-in-the blank” answer.
Conquering Lust in an Oversexualized World (with Dr. Mario Sacasa)
March 20th, 2025 | 31 mins 24 secs
ascension, ascension catholic, ascension catholic faith formation, ascension presents, ascension press, ask father josh, ask fr josh, ask fr. josh, catholic, catholic beliefs, catholic church, catholic faith, catholic faith formation, catholic podcast, catholic priest, catholic religion, catholic teachings, catholic theology, catholicism, catholics, chastity, christian, christianity, faith, father josh, father josh johnson, fr josh, fr josh johnson, fr. josh johnson, god, holiness, jesus, jesus christ, lust, prayer, praying, priest, relationship with jesus, religion, roman catholic, saints, sex, spirituality, theology
Do you feel discouraged trying to combat lust in your life? Dr. Mario Sacasa joins Fr. Josh to discuss the sin of lust. Together, they answer questions about strategies to avoid falling into lust and how parents can raise children with a healthy understanding of sexuality in an over-sexualized culture.
Gluttony: Food Addiction vs. Overindulgence (with Dr. Mario Sacasa)
March 13th, 2025 | 22 mins 51 secs
ascension catholic, ascension catholic faith formation, ascension presents, ascension press, ask father josh, ask fr josh, ask fr. josh, catholic, catholic beliefs, catholic church, catholic faith, catholic faith formation, catholic podcast, catholic priest, catholic religion, catholic teachings, catholic theology, catholicism, catholics, christian, christianity, faith, father josh, father josh johnson, food addiction, fr josh, fr josh johnson, fr. josh johnson, gluttony, god, holiness, jesus, jesus christ, mindfulness, moderation, personal growthascension, prayer, praying, priest, psychology, relationship with jesus, religion, roman catholic, saints, self-control, seven deadly sins, spirituality, theology
What does the sin of gluttony exactly look like in our lives? Dr. Mario Sacasa and Fr. Josh delve into the vice of gluttony, exploring its definition, manifestations, and the psychological and spiritual dimensions associated with it. They discuss the difference between gluttony and food addiction, emphasizing the importance of understanding one's behavior and seeking help when necessary. They also offer practical strategies for moderation and self-control.
Avoiding the Comparison Trap (with Dr. Mario Sacasa)
March 6th, 2025 | 31 mins 18 secs
ascension, ascension catholic, ascension catholic faith formation, ascension presents, ascension press, ask father josh, ask fr josh, ask fr. josh, catholic, catholic beliefs, catholic church, catholic faith, catholic faith formation, catholic podcast, catholic priest, catholic religion, catholic teachings, catholic theology, catholicism, catholics, christian, christianity, faith, father josh, father josh johnson, fr josh, fr josh johnson, fr. josh johnson, god, holiness, jesus, jesus christ, prayer, praying, priest, relationship with jesus, religion, roman catholic, saints, spirituality, theology
In today's competitive society, it's easy to fall into the comparison trap. Dr. Mario Sacasa joins Fr. Josh to explore the sin of envy through the lens of evolutionary psychology and the teachings of St. Thérèse of Lisieux. Together, they answer a question about how to find peace with the reality that others may be "better" than us in certain areas. They also provide practical advice on embracing our unique place within the body of Christ.
How Do We Let Go of Control? (with Sr. Josephine Garrett)
February 27th, 2025 | 23 mins 52 secs
ascension, ascension catholic, ascension catholic faith formation, ascension presents, ascension press, ask father josh, ask fr josh, ask fr. josh, catholic, catholic beliefs, catholic church, catholic faith, catholic faith formation, catholic podcast, catholic priest, catholic religion, catholic teachings, catholic theology, catholicism, catholics, christian, christianity, faith, father josh, father josh johnson, fr josh, fr josh johnson, fr. josh johnson, god, holiness, jesus, jesus christ, prayer, praying, priest, relationship with jesus, religion, roman catholic, saints, spirituality, theology
Pride can mislead us into believing we are the center of everything and that we have complete control. Sr. Josephine Garret joins Fr. Josh to discuss the sin of pride and its various expressions in our lives. They answer a question about relinquishing control in life, particularly when things do not go as we desire.
Navigating Attractions and Lust in Relationships (with Sr. Josephine Garrett)
February 20th, 2025 | 29 mins 2 secs
ascension, ascension catholic, ascension catholic faith formation, ascension presents, ascension press, ask father josh, ask fr josh, ask fr. josh, catholic, catholic beliefs, catholic church, catholic faith, catholic faith formation, catholic podcast, catholic priest, catholic religion, catholic teachings, catholic theology, catholicism, catholics, christian, christianity, faith, father josh, father josh johnson, fr josh, fr josh johnson, fr. josh johnson, god, holiness, jesus, jesus christ, prayer, praying, priest, relationship with jesus, religion, roman catholic, saints, spirituality, theology
What do our attractions reveal? Sr. Josephine Garrett joins Fr. Josh to answer questions about navigating attractions we may experience outside of marriage and how to discern a relationship with someone who struggles with lust.
When Does Anger Become Sinful? (with Sr. Josephine Garrett)
February 13th, 2025 | 31 mins 29 secs
anger, ascension, ascension catholic, ascension catholic faith formation, ascension presents, ascension press, ask father josh, ask fr josh, ask fr. josh, catholic, catholic beliefs, catholic church, catholic faith, catholic faith formation, catholic podcast, catholic priest, catholic religion, catholic teachings, catholic theology, catholicism, catholics, christian, christianity, faith, father josh, father josh johnson, fr josh, fr josh johnson, fr. josh johnson, god, holiness, jesus, jesus christ, prayer, praying, priest, relationship with jesus, religion, roman catholic, saints, spirituality, theology, wrath
We all experience anger for different reasons, but how do we prevent anger from turning into wrath? Sr. Josephine Garrett joins Fr. Josh to answer questions about dealing with anger, conflict, and unforgiveness in our families and communities.
Why Do I Feel Sadness When Others Succeed? ( with Sr. Josephine Garrett)
February 6th, 2025 | 29 mins 27 secs
ascension, ascension catholic, ascension catholic faith formation, ascension presents, ascension press, ask father josh, ask fr josh, ask fr. josh, catholic, catholic beliefs, catholic church, catholic faith, catholic faith formation, catholic podcast, catholic priest, catholic religion, catholic teachings, catholic theology, catholicism, catholics, christian, christianity, envy, faith, father josh, father josh johnson, fr josh, fr josh johnson, fr. josh johnson, god, holiness, jesus, jesus christ, prayer, praying, priest, relationship with jesus, religion, roman catholic, saints, seven deadly sins, spirituality, theology
Why do we feel sadness when others succeed? Sr. Josephine Garrett joins Fr. Josh Johnson to discuss the sin of envy as he begins his season on the seven deadly sins. Together, they answer a question about why it's so hard to desire the success of others and explain how patience and humility help us overcome envious thoughts.
How Do We Overcome Deeply Rooted Vices?
January 30th, 2025 | 31 mins 57 secs
ascension, ascension catholic, ascension catholic faith formation, ascension presents, ascension press, ask father josh, ask fr josh, ask fr. josh, catholic, catholic beliefs, catholic church, catholic faith, catholic faith formation, catholic podcast, catholic priest, catholic religion, catholic teachings, catholic theology, catholicism, catholics, christian, christianity, faith, father josh, father josh johnson, fr josh, fr josh johnson, fr. josh johnson, god, holiness, jesus, jesus christ, prayer, praying, priest, relationship with jesus, religion, roman catholic, saints, spirituality, theology
It sometimes feels impossible to conquer the deeply rooted vices of the heart. Fr. Mark-Mary joins Fr. Josh to offer advice and encouragement on overcoming persistent sins and allowing God to love us in our messiness.
How Should We Prioritize Different Devotions?
January 23rd, 2025 | 29 mins 6 secs
ascension, ascension catholic, ascension catholic faith formation, ascension presents, ascension press, ask father josh, ask fr josh, ask fr. josh, catholic, catholic beliefs, catholic church, catholic faith, catholic faith formation, catholic podcast, catholic priest, catholic religion, catholic teachings, catholic theology, catholicism, catholics, christian, christianity, faith, father josh, father josh johnson, fr josh, fr josh johnson, fr. josh johnson, god, holiness, jesus, jesus christ, prayer, praying, priest, relationship with jesus, religion, roman catholic, rosary, saints, spirituality, theology
Finding time for the various devotions offered by the Catholic faith—such as the rosary, adoration, daily Mass, and reading Scripture—can sometimes feel overwhelming. In this discussion, Fr. Mark-Mary joins Fr. Josh to help us understand how to prioritize these devotions as we build our prayer lives.
Should We Receive Holy Communion on the Tongue or in the Hand?
November 28th, 2024 | 22 mins 37 secs
ascension, ascension catholic, ascension catholic faith formation, ascension presents, ascension press, ask father josh, ask fr josh, ask fr. josh, catholic, catholic beliefs, catholic church, catholic faith, catholic faith formation, catholic podcast, catholic priest, catholic religion, catholic teachings, catholic theology, catholicism, catholics, christian, christianity, faith, father josh, father josh johnson, fr josh, fr josh johnson, fr. josh johnson, god, holiness, jesus, jesus christ, prayer, praying, priest, relationship with jesus, religion, roman catholic, saints, spirituality, theology
Are you receiving the Eucharist on the tongue or in the hand? Is one way better? Fr. Josh Johnson provides clarity on this misconception based on information from the General Instruction of the Roman Missal (GIRM) and reassures us that the church allows Catholics to receive Communion both ways.
Healing and Hope Amidst Pornography and Masturbation Addiction (with Dr. Sarah Denny Lorio)
November 21st, 2024 | 38 mins 38 secs
ascension, ascension catholic, ascension catholic faith formation, ascension presents, ascension press, ask father josh, ask fr josh, ask fr. josh, catholic, catholic beliefs, catholic church, catholic faith, catholic faith formation, catholic podcast, catholic priest, catholic religion, catholic teachings, catholic theology, catholicism, catholics, christian, christianity, faith, father josh, father josh johnson, fr josh, fr josh johnson, fr. josh johnson, god, holiness, jesus, jesus christ, prayer, praying, priest, relationship with jesus, religion, roman catholic, saints, spirituality, theology
What effect does pornography and masturbation have on relationships and marriage? How can we maintain hope in times of doubt? Fr. Josh Johnson is joined by Dr. Sarah Denny Lorio to dissect the assumptions, fears, and practicals of these issues. They also tie the conversation into Dr. Sarah Denny Lorio’s dissertation comparing St. Pope John Paul II and Margaret Sanger’s views on women’s freedom.
What Does God Think of Divorce?
November 14th, 2024 | 20 mins 38 secs
ascension, ascension catholic, ascension catholic faith formation, ascension presents, ascension press, ask father josh, ask fr josh, ask fr. josh, catholic, catholic beliefs, catholic church, catholic faith, catholic faith formation, catholic podcast, catholic priest, catholic religion, catholic teachings, catholic theology, catholicism, catholics, christian, christianity, faith, father josh, father josh johnson, fr josh, fr josh johnson, fr. josh johnson, god, holiness, jesus, jesus christ, prayer, praying, priest, relationship with jesus, religion, roman catholic, saints, spirituality, theology
Divorce is a difficult topic. Fr. Josh Johnson shares sympathy and advice based on Catholic teaching for anyone struggling in this season. We are reminded that throughout the hardest times, Jesus is inviting us to join Him on the cross. He is calling us to bless those who curse us, pray for those who hurt us, and forgive those who do not apologize.
The Truth About IVF (with Dr. Sarah Denny Lorio)
November 7th, 2024 | 29 mins 52 secs
ascension, ascension catholic, ascension catholic faith formation, ascension presents, ascension press, ask father josh, ask fr josh, ask fr. josh, catholic, catholic beliefs, catholic church, catholic faith, catholic faith formation, catholic podcast, catholic priest, catholic religion, catholic teachings, catholic theology, catholicism, catholics, christian, christianity, faith, father josh, father josh johnson, fr josh, fr josh johnson, fr. josh johnson, god, holiness, jesus, jesus christ, prayer, praying, priest, relationship with jesus, religion, roman catholic, saints, spirituality, theology
Why is IVF wrong? Fr. Josh Johnson and Dr. Sarah Denny Lorio broach the topic of in vitro fertilization (IVF). They look at the ethics of this subject with a human dignity lens while being sensitive to how deep this cross is for many of us.
Do I Need to Go to Mass In-Person Every Week?
October 31st, 2024 | 22 mins 3 secs
ascension, ascension catholic, ascension catholic faith formation, ascension presents, ascension press, ask father josh, ask fr josh, ask fr. josh, catholic, catholic beliefs, catholic church, catholic faith, catholic faith formation, catholic podcast, catholic priest, catholic religion, catholic teachings, catholic theology, catholicism, catholics, christian, christianity, faith, father josh, father josh johnson, fr josh, fr josh johnson, fr. josh johnson, god, holiness, jesus, jesus christ, prayer, praying, priest, relationship with jesus, religion, roman catholic, saints, spirituality, theology
Going to Mass in-person can be hard. Can we make our lives easier by streaming Sunday Mass from home? Fr. Josh Johnson explains that going to Mass is not about what we can get out of it, but what we are offering to God. God deserves our worship, and we are invited to show up as we are. Fr. Josh also shares helpful tips on how to prepare for Mass to enrich our experience and dive deeper into the scriptures.
Natural Family Planning: What It Is and What It Isn’t (with Dr. Sarah Denny Lorio)
October 24th, 2024 | 29 mins 31 secs
ascension, ascension catholic, ascension catholic faith formation, ascension presents, ascension press, ask father josh, ask fr josh, ask fr. josh, catholic, catholic beliefs, catholic church, catholic faith, catholic faith formation, catholic podcast, catholic priest, catholic religion, catholic teachings, catholic theology, catholicism, catholics, christian, christianity, faith, father josh, father josh johnson, fr josh, fr josh johnson, fr. josh johnson, god, holiness, jesus, jesus christ, prayer, praying, priest, relationship with jesus, religion, roman catholic, saints, spirituality, theology
Fr. Josh Johnson and Dr. Sarah Denny Lorio discuss the many facets of Natural Family Planning (NFP) and share resources if this is something that you are learning or struggling with. There is no one size fits all approach when it comes to fertility awareness methods. There are many approved methods depending on your personality, season of life, etc. While looking at the potential challenges of any method, we must keep our hearts close to Jesus and His mercy. Without His love, we can do nothing.
Suffering: How Can We Carry Our Cross Like Jesus?
October 17th, 2024 | 21 mins 43 secs
ascension, ascension catholic, ascension catholic faith formation, ascension presents, ascension press, ask father josh, ask fr josh, ask fr. josh, catholic, catholic beliefs, catholic church, catholic faith, catholic faith formation, catholic podcast, catholic priest, catholic religion, catholic teachings, catholic theology, catholicism, catholics, christian, christianity, faith, father josh, father josh johnson, fr josh, fr josh johnson, fr. josh johnson, god, holiness, jesus, jesus christ, prayer, praying, priest, relationship with jesus, religion, roman catholic, saints, spirituality, theology
Is there a right way to suffer? Should we be suffering in silence or bringing others into our pain? Fr. Josh Johnson reminds us to start by crying out to the Lord in prayer. God can show us if it is time to keep our suffering close to our heart or share our suffering with others and ask for help. Allow Jesus to show you how this suffering can glorify Him.