Ask Father Josh (Your Catholic Question and Answer Podcast)
Fr. Josh helps you navigate the tricky times in life when our Catholic Faith doesn’t give you an easy, “fill-in-the blank” answer.
Soul Ties, Suffering Well, and Reception of the Soul
April 28th, 2020 | 38 mins 13 secs
ask father josh, ask fr josh, ask fr. josh, catholic, catholic theology, catholicism, faith, father josh, father josh johnson, fr josh, fr josh johnson, fr. josh johnson, mercy, souls, suffering, theology
This week, Fr. Josh answers questions on soul ties, how to offer up your suffering, and the institution of our souls.
Snippet from the Show
“God’s divine mercy is available to everyone… God is calling all of us to be saints.” -
Original Parents, Vocations to Consecrated Single Life, and Annulment After Civil Marriage
April 21st, 2020 | 31 mins 56 secs
adam and eve, annulments, divorce, first parents, marriage, single life, virgins
Fr. Josh answers questions about whether Adam and Eve are the original parents of all people, what the vocation of consecrated single life and consecrated virginity is, and if someone married by the Justice of the Peace needs an annulment.
Easter Message
April 14th, 2020 | 6 mins 26 secs
easter, jesus, mary, mary magdalene, prayer
This week, Fr. Josh shares some advice on how to spend this time to draw those around us back to a relationship with Christ, following the example of our Mother Mary and St. Mary Magdalene.
For more shownotes visit or text “askfrjosh” to 33-777 to subscribe to Fr. Josh’s shownotes.
Email your questions and feedback to Fr. Josh at [email protected].
The Sacraments and Mass During COVID-19
April 7th, 2020 | 29 mins 16 secs
confession, coronavirus, covid-19, last rights, livestream mass, mortal sin, recorded mass, sacraments, virtual mass
Fr. Josh answers questions about receiving the sacraments and staying engaged in a virtual mass during COVID-19.
Snippet from the Show:
When it comes to making the act of spiritual communion, this practice can be done anywhere, anytime. And ask God to transport your soul to the nearest tabernacle if you can’t get out of your home to be in the presence of Jesus.For more shownotes visit or text “askfrjosh” to 33-777 to subscribe to Fr. Josh’s shownotes
Email your questions and feedback to Fr. Josh at [email protected].
Be My Guest: Chika Anyanwu on ADHD, Bad Homilies, and Making a Good Confession
March 31st, 2020 | 40 mins 2 secs
adhd, catholic, catholic church, catholic faith, catholic families, catholicism, chika anyanwu, confession, father josh, going to church, homilies, homily, priest, questions about catholicism
Fr. Josh is joined by Chika Anyanwu, Catholic speaker and author, to answer questions about being disappointed with homilies, teaching the Faith to a child with ADHD, and how much we need to divulge in order to make a good confession.
Be My Guest: Fr. Brad Doyle on Birth Control for Medical Reasons and Male Fertility Testing
March 24th, 2020 | 40 mins 43 secs
ascension, body of christ, catholic, catholicism, coronavirus, covid-19, heaven, holiness, intercessory prayer, pandemic, saint
On today’s episode, Father Josh is joined by his good friend Fr. Brad Doyle to answer questions about the ethics of fertility testing and birth control for medical reasons.
Producer’s note: Father Josh is now live streaming his daily Masses to Ascension’s Facebook page every morning at 9:30 AM ET. Go to and join us tomorrow for Mass with Fr. Josh at 9:30 AM! Hope you can join us! God bless.For full shownotes, text ASKFRJOSH to 33-777 or visit AscensionPress/com.
An Invitation to Pray with Father Josh during COVID-19
March 17th, 2020 | 11 mins 2 secs
ascension, body of christ, catholic, catholicism, coronavirus, covid-19, heaven, holiness, intercessory prayer, pandemic, saint
Father Josh shares a message of hope and perseverance for these escalating times of COVID-19. He reminds us how to pray Lectio Divina, modeling this spiritual exercise as he reflects on the way the apostle John responded when Jesus was taken away from him.
For more shownotes visit or text ASKFRJOSH to 33-777.
Be My Guest: Fr. Paul Gros on OCD, Anxiety, and Therapy
March 10th, 2020 | 41 mins 30 secs
anxiety, depression, mental health
Father Josh and Father Paul Gros answer questions about OCD and anxiety, family members with mental illness, and navigating life changes after therapy.
For full episode shownotes, visit or text ASKFRJOSH to 33-777.
All About Christian Fasting: Eating Disorders, Spiritual Effects, and Challenges
March 3rd, 2020 | 35 mins 41 secs
fasting, lent, lenten fasting
All About Lent: What's Best for Your Soul This Year?
February 25th, 2020 | 24 mins 14 secs
ash wednesday, catholic lent, catholic lenten, catholic lenten season, catholics, lent, lenten, lenten journal, lenten practices, lenten reflections, lenten season, reflections for lent
Fr. Josh answers the question, “What’s the point of Lent?" He then asks a set of questions to help you determine which Lenten practices will be best for your soul this year.
Yoga, Forgiving the Devil, and Mary’s Free Will
February 18th, 2020 | 38 mins
christians and yoga, devil, free will, mary, mary's fiat, yoga
Fr. Josh answers questions about whether Catholics should do yoga, whether we should forgive the Devil, and whether Mary truly had free will.
Sex in Marriage, Arguing about Contraception, and Recovering from Sexual Sin
February 11th, 2020 | 33 mins 31 secs
married sex, sex, sex in marriage, sexuality
What kinds of physical acts are morally acceptable when it comes to sex in marriage? What do you do when one spouse embraces NFP and the other insists on using contraception? How can an engaged couple recover chastity and peace after giving into sexual temptation together?
Fear of the Lord, Explaining the Eucharist to Children, and Baptizing a Grandchild
February 4th, 2020 | 30 mins 40 secs
Father Josh answers questions about fear of the Lord, explaining transubstantiation to children, and whether a grandparent should secretly baptize their unbaptized grandchild.
All About the Priesthood: Women Priests, Married Priests, and Flawed Priests
January 28th, 2020 | 39 mins
can priests get married, can women be priests, catholic, catholic mass, catholic priests, catholic questions, eucharist, faith, fr. josh, in persona christi, married priests, priesthood, priests, women priests
Fr. Josh answers three questions about the priesthood: Why can’t women be priests? Why can’t priests get married? And how can we look past the human flaws of the priest when he is acting in persona Christi?
All about Being Pro Life: Abortion after Rape, Excommunicating Politicians, and Single Motherhood
January 21st, 2020 | 36 mins 24 secs
In this week’s pro life themed episode, Father Josh addresses questions about abortion after rape, the often-misunderstood Church teaching on excommunication, and a unique challenge of single motherhood.
All About Living a Chaste Life (Even after Lost Virginity)
January 14th, 2020 | 25 mins 28 secs
In today’s episode, Father Josh answers questions about the call and the challenge to pursue a chaste life. He answers a question from a mother who suspects her son is gay, a young woman who wants to enter the religious life but lost her virginity in college, and a listener looking for recommended chastity speakers.