Ask Father Josh (Your Catholic Question and Answer Podcast)
Fr. Josh helps you navigate the tricky times in life when our Catholic Faith doesn’t give you an easy, “fill-in-the blank” answer.
We found 10 episodes of Ask Father Josh (Your Catholic Question and Answer Podcast) with the tag “catholic”.
Praying the Paul VI Rosary: The Glorious Mysteries
May 14th, 2019 | 30 mins 17 secs
catholic, catholic answers, catholic prayer, glorious mysteries, lectio divina rosary, mary, mother of god, our lady, paul vi rosary, praying with scripture, rosary
Today Fr. Josh talks about how Mary invites us again and again to pray the Rosary and then prays the Glorious Mysteries of the Paul VI Rosary (because it’s Easter). Grab your Rosary and pray along!
If you have a question, comment, or response for Fr. Josh, email us at [email protected]. You may hear your question or comment in an upcoming podcast episode!
Chapel Veils, Free Will, and Methods for Preventing Pregnancy
May 7th, 2019 | 39 mins 53 secs
catholic, catholic answers, catholic church, catholic priest, catholicism, chapel veil, fr. josh, fr. josh johnson, free will, freedom, god, mass, nfp, pregnancy, questions about catholicism, veiling, veils, why is contraception wrong
Today Fr. Josh answers questions about women wearing chapel veils at Mass, what to do with our God-given freedom, and whether certain methods for preventing pregnancy are permissible during times of fertility.
If you have a question, comment, or response for Fr. Josh, email us at [email protected]. You may hear your question or comment in an upcoming podcast episode!
Hypostatic Union, Annulled Marriages, and Asking a Girl on a Date
April 30th, 2019 | 26 mins 55 secs
annulled marriages, annulment, asking someone out, catholic, catholic answers, catholic couples, catholic dating advice, catholic stuff you should know, child jesus, dating advice, fr. josh, glory story, god as man, hypostatic union, marriage annulment, sin, trinity
Today Fr. Josh answers questions about how Jesus knew he was God as a child, whether an annulled marriage means the couple was living in a state of sin, and how to ask a girl on a date. If you have a question, comment, or response for Fr. Josh, email us at [email protected]. You may hear your question or comment in an upcoming podcast episode!
Happy Easter from Fr. Josh!
April 23rd, 2019 | 1 min 14 secs
catholic, easter, easter 2019, easter blessing, easter season, happy easter, joy, rejoice, resurrection, spring
Happy Easter! This week we celebrate a new season in the Church, one of renewal and joy. Fr. Josh will be back next week with more questions and answers, but this week we celebrate the resurrection of Christ! God bless you and your families as we rejoice in this festive season!
Holy Week, Aliens, and Righteous Anger
April 16th, 2019 | 38 mins 45 secs
aliens, anger, catholic, catholicism, christian, easter, easter 2019, holy week, holy week 2019, jesus, jesus christ, prayer, prayers for easter, priest, questions about catholicism, righteous anger, souls
Today Fr. Josh answers questions about when anger can be considered righteous, how to enter into Holy Week, and speculating about whether or not aliens could have souls. If you have a question, comment, or response for Fr. Josh, email us at [email protected]. You may hear your question or comment in an upcoming podcast episode!
Nuns Without Habits, Explaining Past Mistakes to Children, and Fr. Josh’s Conversion
April 9th, 2019 | 36 mins 24 secs
ask fr. josh, catholic, catholic answers, children, conversion, explaining your past, fr. josh, nuns, nuns without habits, parenting, raising kids
Today Fr. Josh answers questions about how to explain past mistakes to your children, how to react to nuns who don’t wear habits, and his own conversion story. If you have a question, comment, or response for Fr. Josh, email us at [email protected]. You may hear your question or comment in an upcoming podcast episode!
The Devil, Life After Rape, and Giving Communion to Unbelievers
April 2nd, 2019 | 36 mins 1 sec
catholic, catholic church, church, communion, crucifixion, death, devil, eucharistic minister, fallen angels, fr. josh, god, holy communion, host, jesus, mass, mortal sin, passion, prayer, priest, rape, sexual assault, sin, suffering, trauma
Fr. Josh answers questions about why God created the devil, distributing Communion to people in a state of mortal sin, and how to return to God after a traumatic assault. If you have a question, comment, or response for Fr. Josh, email us at [email protected]. You may hear your question or comment in an upcoming podcast episode.
Be My Guest: Dr. Edward Sri, the Crucifixion, and St. Joseph
March 26th, 2019 | 39 mins 27 secs
bible, catholic, christian, crucifixion, dr. edward sri, easter, jesus, lent, passion, questions about jesus, scripture, scripture scholar, trinity
Fr. Josh and scripture scholar Dr. Edward Sri answer questions about Jesus’ divine nature, why Jesus had to be crucified, and what happened to St. Joseph during Christ’s passion.
If you have a question, comment, or response for Fr. Josh, email us at [email protected]. You may hear your question or comment in an upcoming podcast episode! -
Depression, Sexism in the Church, Candy During Lent, and Posting on Facebook
March 19th, 2019 | 33 mins 58 secs
catholic, catholic priest, catholic questions, christian, church, depression, faith, fr. josh, fr. josh johnson, god, lent, lenten, priest, questions, religion, sexism, sexism in the church, suffering, why god allows suffering
Fr. Josh answers questions about why God allows depression, sexism in the Church, choosing a good Lenten sacrifice, and posting religious images and quotes on social media. If you have a question, comment, or response for Fr. Josh, email us at [email protected]. You may hear your question or comment in an upcoming podcast episode!
Be My Guest: Jeff Cavins, Activated Discipleship, and Catholic Swag
March 12th, 2019 | 42 mins 3 secs
activated disciple, afj, ask fr. josh, catholic, catholic podcast, christ, christian, disciple, discipleship, fr. josh, fr. josh johnson, funny priest, gospel, jeff cavins, jesus, jesus christ, priest, walking towards eternity, young priest
Fr. Josh interviews Jeff Cavins on his new book, The Activated Disciple, and how to be a true disciple of Christ. They also discuss Jeff’s journey to Catholicism, being a fan of Jesus vs. a follower of Jesus, cultivating a real relationship with the person of Jesus Christ, and how to share the Gospel with others.