Ask Father Josh (Your Catholic Question and Answer Podcast)
Fr. Josh helps you navigate the tricky times in life when our Catholic Faith doesn’t give you an easy, “fill-in-the blank” answer.
We found 10 episodes of Ask Father Josh (Your Catholic Question and Answer Podcast) with the tag “prayer”.
Special Episode: Healing the Racial Divide
June 2nd, 2020 | 30 mins 50 secs
ask father josh, ask fr josh, ask fr. josh, black catholic, body of christ, brown catholic, catholic, catholic theology, catholicism, color, faith, father josh, father josh johnson, fr josh, fr josh johnson, fr. josh johnson, jesus, prayer, protest, racial divide, racial healing, racism, theology, white catholic
Fr. Josh dedicates today's show to talking about the racial divide in our country, amidst the mourning of George Floyd, and offers some counsel on ways we can heal this form of division in our country.
All About Prayer
May 26th, 2020 | 26 mins 32 secs
anxiety, ask father josh, ask fr josh, ask fr. josh, catholic, catholic theology, catholicism, evening prayer, faith, family, father josh, father josh johnson, fr josh, fr josh johnson, liturgy of the hours, morning prayer, office of the hours, prayer, st. johfr. josh johnson, theology
Father Josh answers questions all about prayer on today’s podcast. From Liturgy of the Hours, to praying through anxiety, to bringing the family into prayer.
Easter Message
April 14th, 2020 | 6 mins 26 secs
easter, jesus, mary, mary magdalene, prayer
This week, Fr. Josh shares some advice on how to spend this time to draw those around us back to a relationship with Christ, following the example of our Mother Mary and St. Mary Magdalene.
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Email your questions and feedback to Fr. Josh at [email protected].
Wearing Rosaries, Taize Prayer, and Spiritual Direction
October 29th, 2019 | 27 mins 36 secs
apologetics, ask father josh, ask fr josh, ask fr. josh, catholic, faith, father josh johnson, fr josh, fr josh johnson, fr. josh, fr. josh johnson, morality, prayer, rosary, spirituality, theology
Is it sacrilegious to wear a rosary? Is a rosary without a crucifix still a rosary? Should Catholics engage in Taize prayer, or is Taize prayer a new age practice? Lastly, what’s the difference between spiritual direction and pastoral counseling?
Dropping Hosts, Not Kneeling at Mass, and the Devil in Our Thoughts
September 24th, 2019 | 31 mins 29 secs
catholic, catholic church, catholic mass, catholic questions, communion, demons, devil, host, kneeling during mass, litany, mass, prayer, questions about mass, saints, sin, temptation, the faith
Fr. Josh answers questions about what to do when a consecrated Host is dropped during Communion, if the devil and demons can read our thoughts when we’re tempted, and what to do about a congregation that doesn’t kneel during Mass.
Be My Guest: Kevin McCall, Asking for Signs, and the Holy Spirit
August 27th, 2019 | 40 mins
catholic, catholic answers, catholic church, catholic prayers, catholic priest, catholic teaching, discernment, faith, fr. josh, funny priest, holy spirit, pray, prayer, priest, signs from god, spirituality
Fr. Josh and Kevin McCall answer questions about prayer, asking God for signs, and how to have a relationship with the Holy Spirit.
Forgiving Deep Wounds Caused by Family, Praying for Souls in Purgatory, and Tired of Praying
August 6th, 2019 | 37 mins 55 secs
catholic, catholic answers, catholic church, catholic prayers, catholic priest, catholic teaching, family wounds, prayer, priest, purgatory, questions about religion, rosary, wounds
Fr. Josh answers questions about how to forgive deep wounds caused by family members, what to do if you’ve grown bored with prayer, and what are some prayers we can say for souls in purgatory. If you have a question, comment, or response for Fr. Josh, email us at [email protected]. You may hear your question or comment in an upcoming podcast episode!
Baptisms with Same-Sex Parents, Helping Family Understand Church Teachings, and Overwhelming Guilt
July 30th, 2019 | 32 mins 44 secs
adoration, baptism, baptized, catholic, catholic answers, catholic guilt, catholic prayer, catholic priest, eucharist, evangelization, funny priest, infant baptism, prayer, priest, same sex couples
Fr. Josh answers questions about how to respond to a same-sex couple who wants their child baptized, how to help family understand Church teaching, and how to stop feeling guilty about sins from the past.
Prayer Transcending Time, Married Priests, and Checking Someone Out
July 23rd, 2019 | 25 mins 59 secs
attraction, catholic, catholic answers, catholic church, checking someone out, christian, disciples, fr josh, lust, married priests, prayer, praying, priest, questions for catholics, religion, saint, saints, sin
Fr. Josh answers questions about if our prayers can apply to people who are no longer alive, why there are priests who have been married, and if it’s OK to check someone out.
Holy Week, Aliens, and Righteous Anger
April 16th, 2019 | 38 mins 45 secs
aliens, anger, catholic, catholicism, christian, easter, easter 2019, holy week, holy week 2019, jesus, jesus christ, prayer, prayers for easter, priest, questions about catholicism, righteous anger, souls
Today Fr. Josh answers questions about when anger can be considered righteous, how to enter into Holy Week, and speculating about whether or not aliens could have souls. If you have a question, comment, or response for Fr. Josh, email us at [email protected]. You may hear your question or comment in an upcoming podcast episode!