Ask Father Josh (Your Catholic Question and Answer Podcast)
Fr. Josh helps you navigate the tricky times in life when our Catholic Faith doesn’t give you an easy, “fill-in-the blank” answer.
We found 10 episodes of Ask Father Josh (Your Catholic Question and Answer Podcast) with the tag “saints”.
Gossiping vs. Venting, and Being Judged on Our Time, Talents, and Treasure
August 6th, 2020 | 31 mins 30 secs
ascension, ascension press, ask father josh, ask fr josh, ask fr. josh, catholic, catholic church, catholic faith, catholic theology, catholicism, difference between gossiping and venting, faith, father josh, father josh johnson, fr josh, fr josh johnson, fr. josh johnson, god judging us, gossip, gossiping vs. venting, holiness, judgement day, saints, sin of gossip, talents, theology, time, treasure, virtue
Fr.Josh answers questions on the sin of gossip, and how we will be judged by God based on how we used our time, talent, and treasure here on earth.
Mortification, Converting, and Hearing God’s Voice
July 28th, 2020 | 31 mins 43 secs
ascension, ascension presents, ascension press, ask father josh, ask fr josh, ask fr. josh, catholic, catholic church, catholic community, catholic faith, catholic theology, catholicism, conversion, converting, faith, fasting, father josh, father josh johnson, fr josh, fr josh johnson, fr. josh johnson, god's voice, hearing god's voice, holiness, mortification, penance, prayer, praying, relationship with jesus, saints, theology
Fr. Josh answers questions on mortification practices, converting to the Catholic Church and hearing God’s voice.
SSPX, Three Days of Darkness, and Captain America
May 5th, 2020 | 33 mins 58 secs
ask father josh, ask fr josh, ask fr. josh, brokenness, captain america, catholic, catholic theology, catholicism, conversion, endgame, faith, fast, father josh, father josh johnson, fr josh, fr josh johnson, fr. josh johnson, marvel, mystics, private revelation, public revelation, saints, scandal, scripture, sspx, theology, thor, three days of darkness
This week, Fr. Josh answers questions on the SSPX, the three days of darkness, and Captain America.
Snippet from the Show
"Holy Scripture should be our first love. ‘We have to read them, contemplate them, and put them into practice more than we breathe.’” -
Feminism, Devotionals Guaranteeing Salvation, and Kanye West
November 19th, 2019 | 27 mins 25 secs
catholic, catholic answers, catholic church, catholic prayers, catholicism, devotionals, feminism, jesus is king, kanye west, prayers, saint, saints, salvation
Can Catholics support feminism? Why do some people believe women shouldn’t work outside the home? How do the promises of devotional prayers work—can they guarantee salvation? Should we be embracing the current interest in Christianity due to Kanye West and his album, Jesus is King? Fr. Josh answers this and more in today’s episode.
Dropping Hosts, Not Kneeling at Mass, and the Devil in Our Thoughts
September 24th, 2019 | 31 mins 29 secs
catholic, catholic church, catholic mass, catholic questions, communion, demons, devil, host, kneeling during mass, litany, mass, prayer, questions about mass, saints, sin, temptation, the faith
Fr. Josh answers questions about what to do when a consecrated Host is dropped during Communion, if the devil and demons can read our thoughts when we’re tempted, and what to do about a congregation that doesn’t kneel during Mass.
Suicide, Allergic to the Eucharist, and NFP for At-Risk Pregnancy
September 3rd, 2019 | 27 mins 51 secs
catholic, catholic church, catholicism, christianity, eucharist, fr. josh johnson, funny priest, god, hell, natural family planning, nfp, praying, priest, religion, saints, sin, suffering, suicide
Fr. Josh addresses questions about the salvation of family members who have committed suicide, what to do if a person is allergic to the Eucharist (Body and Blood), and whether natural family planning is still a good choice for women with health issues that would make pregnancy potentially life-threatening.
Prayer Transcending Time, Married Priests, and Checking Someone Out
July 23rd, 2019 | 25 mins 59 secs
attraction, catholic, catholic answers, catholic church, checking someone out, christian, disciples, fr josh, lust, married priests, prayer, praying, priest, questions for catholics, religion, saint, saints, sin
Fr. Josh answers questions about if our prayers can apply to people who are no longer alive, why there are priests who have been married, and if it’s OK to check someone out.
Praying to the Saints, the Communion Fast, and Confession “Hopping”
July 9th, 2019 | 33 mins 11 secs
apologetics, catholic, catholic answers, catholic church, catholic prayer, catholic questions, catholicism, communion, confession, eucharist, fr. josh, priest, reconciliation, saint, saints
Fr. Josh answers questions about why praying to the saints is different from worshiping them, how to remind people about the fast before receiving Communion, and whether it’s OK to go to a different parish for confession (so you don’t have to go to your pastor).
Traditional Latin Mass, Witchcraft, and Mystic Visions
July 2nd, 2019 | 30 mins 36 secs
catholic, catholic answers, catholic liturgy, catholic mass, different saints, funny priest, latin mass, liturgy, mass, mystic visions, occult, priest, saints, tradition, traditional latin mass, witchcraft
Fr. Josh answers questions about why some Catholics seem to think traditional Latin Mass is better than the Norvus Ordo, whether witchcraft is demonic or fake, and why only some saints have mystic visions. If you have a question, comment, or response for Fr. Josh, email us at [email protected]. You may hear your question or comment in an upcoming podcast episode!
What Does Hell Look Like, Was Peter the First Pope, and a Follow Up to Spiritual Intimacy
June 4th, 2019 | 35 mins 19 secs
bible, catholic, catholic answers, catholic church, catholic theology, catholicism, dante's inferno, funny priest, hell, holiness, pope, priest, saints, spiritual intimacy, st. peter, theology, walk towards eternity
Today Fr. Josh dives into some theology today as he answers questions about whether hell looks like Dante’s Inferno, why Peter was the first pope, and what kinds of spiritual intimacy are prudent before marriage. If you have a question, comment, or response for Fr. Josh, email us at [email protected]. You may hear your question or comment in an upcoming podcast episode!