Ask Father Josh (Your Catholic Question and Answer Podcast)
Fr. Josh helps you navigate the tricky times in life when our Catholic Faith doesn’t give you an easy, “fill-in-the blank” answer.
We found 10 episodes of Ask Father Josh (Your Catholic Question and Answer Podcast) with the tag “spirituality”.
Falling in Love with God, Leading Bible Studies, and Covenants in Scripture
November 19th, 2020 | 28 mins
ascension catholic, ascension catholic faith formation, ascension presents, ascension press, ask father josh, ask fr josh, ask fr. josh, bible studies, catholic, catholic beliefs, catholic church, catholic faith, catholic faith formation, catholic podcast, catholic priest, catholic religion, catholic teachings, catholic theology, catholicism, catholics, christian, christianity, covenants, faith, father josh, father josh johnson, fr josh, fr josh johnson, fr. josh johnson, god, holiness, jesus, jesus christ, prayer, praying, priest, relationship with jesus, religion, roman catholic, saints, salvation history, scripture, spirituality, theology
Fr. Josh answers questions on the process of falling in love with God and building a real relationship with him, ways to lead Bible studies with your family, and the meaning of covenants in Scripture.
The Catholic Take on Halloween, Becoming a Priest Later in Life, and Using Social Media in a Saintly Way
October 29th, 2020 | 19 mins 19 secs
all hallows eve, all saints day, all souls day, ascension, ascension presents, ascension press, ask father josh, ask fr josh, ask fr. josh, becoming a priest, being holy on social media, calling to the priest, can catholics celebrate halloween, catholic, catholic church, catholic faith, catholic podcast, catholic take on halloween, catholic theology, catholicism, catholics and halloween, catholics on social media, celebrating halloween, christianity, discerning the priesthood, faith, father josh, father josh johnson, fr josh, fr josh johnson, fr. josh johnson, halloween, holiness, how to use social media in a holy way, i feel called to be a priest, relationship with jesus christ, religion, saints, social media, spirituality, theology, using social media in saintly way, vocation to the priesthood
Fr. Josh answers questions on celebrating Halloween as Catholics, feeling a calling to the priesthood later in life, and how to use social media in a saintly way.
Wearing Rosaries, Taize Prayer, and Spiritual Direction
October 29th, 2019 | 27 mins 36 secs
apologetics, ask father josh, ask fr josh, ask fr. josh, catholic, faith, father josh johnson, fr josh, fr josh johnson, fr. josh, fr. josh johnson, morality, prayer, rosary, spirituality, theology
Is it sacrilegious to wear a rosary? Is a rosary without a crucifix still a rosary? Should Catholics engage in Taize prayer, or is Taize prayer a new age practice? Lastly, what’s the difference between spiritual direction and pastoral counseling?
Be My Guest: Kevin McCall, Asking for Signs, and the Holy Spirit
August 27th, 2019 | 40 mins
catholic, catholic answers, catholic church, catholic prayers, catholic priest, catholic teaching, discernment, faith, fr. josh, funny priest, holy spirit, pray, prayer, priest, signs from god, spirituality
Fr. Josh and Kevin McCall answer questions about prayer, asking God for signs, and how to have a relationship with the Holy Spirit.